New Moon Ceremony

There's a sweet little desert plant called the Rose Of Jericho that looks like a tumbleweed in it's dormant state. Only when it rains in the desert does it open and reveal it's true beauty.

This makes the Rose Of Jericho an ideal plant to celebrate new beginnings, life after endings, cycles of renewal, etc. I sat with this information several years ago and spirit gifted me the outline of this ceremony as a way of recognizing new moons. It is a ceremony that is specific to Spirited You & Way Of The Spirited shaman. As we celebrate each new moon with this ritual we connect with the others performing their ceremonies and the energy becomes exponential. The power of two becomes the power of two to the second power, four to the fourth power, and so on. By participating you garner more support for your needs, wants, desires.

rose jericho.jpg

Items you will need

1) Bowl

2) Water

3) Rose Of Jericho (also available4 locally at Phoenix Herb.)

4) Paper

There are other items you may want to add, but they are all optional.

The first thing you will want to do is write out on your paper your needs, wants, prayers for this new moon cycle. What is it you are ready to invite into your life? Write it all out. When you are done with that you will read it from beginning to end, fold it up and then place your bowl on top of it. Pour water into the bowl until it’s approximately half full.

At this point I usually throw in some stones/crystals that pertain to my requests, symbols of those prayers (coins, seeds, essential oils inside miniature bottles as you don’t want to kill the plant, talismans of myself or my loved ones, etc) and then gently stir the water clockwise while releasing any attachment to my outcomes.

When this is complete I gently place the Rose Of Jericho into the water. It will begin opening within minutes. You can leave it in the water up to 3 days. I typically start mine the day before the new moon and remove it the day after the new moon. If you place it in a location that you visit frequently it’s ideal to give it a little love each time you go by.

Once you remove it from the water you can place it on a paper towel and it will dry out quickly, reverting back to it’s original form and you can reuse it again month after month!

I would love to hear about your relationship to the new moon and individual/group rituals to celebrate. Please feel free to share your pictures of your personal Rose Of Jericho ceremonies on the Spirited You Facebook page.
